Ordering Clodrosome Macrophage Depletion Kits and Reagents

  1. Order directly from the Products page using a credit card for payment.
  2. Submit a purchase order by FAX to 615-250-8747, or
    e-mail a PDF of the purchase order to [email protected] with “Clodrosome Order” in the subject line.

Ordering Details

  • Orders can only be shipped to universities, research institutes or biotech/pharmaceutical companies.*
  • Those submitting orders may be contacted to obtain the name, title/position, e-mail address and phone number of the PI or Research Director in charge of the project in which this product will be used.
  • If you do not receive your order confirmation within 2 hours of submitting the order, you should call to check your order status.
  • Please Contact Us with any questions about placing an order.
*US FDA Requirements

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) dictates that Encapsula NanoSciences only sell regulated products and/or provide services involving regulated products to those affiliated with universities, research institutes or biotechnology/pharmaceutical companies actively engaged in research with a licensed animal facility. Therefore, you must communicate with us from a business or institutional e-mail account. Product information cannot be sent to public e-mail accounts such as those with Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, etc. extensions. This law also applies to those ordering from outside the United States. We reserve the right to validate the source of inquiries or orders prior to any action on our part.


Encapsula NanoSciences only provides products, services or other information for use in research laboratories by, or under the technical supervision of, research personnel experienced in their safe handling and application. Please consult the product MSDS for further safety information. Never use these products in humans, companion animals or any animals other than those maintained in a licensed research facility.

US Government Affiliated Clients

If you are ordering from government research laboratories, such as National Institutes of Health (NIH), please keep in mind that Encapsula NanoSciences is registered with the CCR. All pertinent company information is in the CCR database. This will simplify your paperwork.

Encapsula NanoSciences is also registered with the ARIBA supplier network.


Encapsula NanoSciences accepts verified purchase orders (PO) and credit card payments using Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express credit/debit cards.

Payment Terms — NET 30 DAYS

Payment terms for all purchase orders, including those from universities, research institutes, government laboratories and biotechnology/pharmaceutical companies is net 30 days after the invoice date. These terms apply to any and all institutions or companies ordering from Encapsula, regardless of the internal payment policies of the purchasing organization. If Encapsula does not receive payment in full within 30 days of the invoice date, subsequent orders may not be accepted until the account is reconciled.


If you have any questions about placing an order with Encapsula NanoSciences, please Contact Us. To better serve our international clients, we take calls 24 hours a day — 7 days a week. E-mails will be answered within 2 hours of receipt.

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